Tag Archive | preparation for IVF

Tips for the New Year to Cleanse, Detox and Bring Vitality to your Body!

welcoming health and vitality!

welcoming health and vitality!

I mentioned yesterday that I joined a teleclass 8 day cleanse yesterday that I wrote about, that I think will be very supportive physically and emotionally. Its not too late for you to join either, its free, and they have recordings of all the calls if the time difference is an issue! I highly recommend it because there is so much value in the calls.

The host Skip Lackey from http://www.thejourney.com mentioned a drink that you can easily make up, that is very supportive to the body and helpful with detoxing.

and you gradually add the ingredients over days….

In the morning when you get up take:

a glass of water (room temp)
plus fresh squeeze of lemon juice,
plus pinch of mineral or sea salt (NOT your normal table salt),
plus pinch of cayenne pepper,
plus pinch of grated ginger,
and B grade maple syrup or a little honey if you like a little bit of sweet.
(and mix it all up)

The other tip which is an easy one, is just increase your water intake during the day as we are all generally dehydrated to some degree or other – this will help to give your body what it needs and flush out toxins. If you can don’t drink anything from 30min before a meal or during a meal and for at least 40mins after a meal, so your digestive juices aren’t diluted – digestion becomes a lot more effective.

To your health and fertility success for 2009!

Coach Louise

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The Fertile Foundation PowerCircle starts tomorrow! & my journey.

sit with me for a moment, let me share my day...

sit with me for a moment, let me share my day…

I am so pleased to be facilitating this wonderful group starting tomorrow.  Any stragglers still interested, call now, to book your place.   The next one starts in January 2009. (you may put your name on the list now – remember spaces are limited)

I am taking the opportunity to coach myself along the same path the group will be following, by setting the intention to get in touch with Weil Cornell Hospital NY, and making an appointment to see an RE there.  This also means I am committing to collecting the copy of all my notes from my current RE. (why they won’t just send it I don’t know!)  That will be a very good step in the right direction as it will have taken me a year to do collect them!  Talk about procrastination.   My intention is to start an IVF treatment in January 2009, and so I will be laying my ‘fertile foundation’ for this journey.  This will be my 4th IVF.  I feel more equipped for this experience, although interestingly at this point not that attached.  Maybe because it is still a ways off, and doesn’t feel that real yet.   I am 30lbs lighter, my health is good, I am taking my shed loads of folic acid, and will start juicing again on Monday. (juicing is amazing!!! it gives me so much energy and clear-headedness)  I will also be walking at least 3 times a week, to start getting my body moving (I can be a bit of a lazy-bones when it comes to exercise…) and get the blood circulating.  This week will also be the week I organise my acupuncture schedule, so that I am clearing all the energy blocks in my body and nourishing my uterus for the IVF.    Sounds like a lot doesn’t it?  I’ll plan a chat with DH to get support, and see what he can do to help.

I will make a list of everything, and make sure I can schedule it in – ensuring it is do-able!  Please check in to see how I am getting on!  I need your support as much as I will be giving you mine!

I promise to report back at the end of each week, to let you know how I am getting on with my preparation and my journey – emotionally and physically.  This will be my journal…

For all those lovelies out there, who are starting their treatments in January, what are you doing to prepare yourself.   Did you know you can influence the quality of your follicles by preparing your body for 3 months prior to ‘conception’ ?   So preparation is important.   Remember we have the holiday season to get through, and managing ourselves and our body’s wellbeing is imperative if we are going to be ready!   This goes for anyone starting anytime of course.

Well, thats all for now!  I hope you had a wonderful weekend, and a Hallow’d Eve!



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