Tag Archive | group coaching

Coach Louise and Coach Julie

Dear blog reader,

Coach Louise began this blog with the intention that it be a place to share stories, ask questions, get support in a safe place of understanding and compassion, as well as a source for information on the topic of infertility, miscarriage, treatments etc. I am so excited to be taking over the administration of the blog and continuing on the mission of supporting you on your unique fertility journey. If you’d like to know more about me and what I offer, please click About Julie or visit Whole Vision Coaching. I’m so glad you’re here. Most importantly, I really want you to understand that you are not alone and this part of your adventure does not define who you are.

Having experienced the frustrations of unexplained infertility personally, I recognize that the experience can be isolating when the people around you don’t necessarily understand what you are going through. It is also often the first crisis couples come up against where there is really no control over the outcome. I want to connect with you and give you as much support as possible to lead a life full of joy and balance no matter the outcome of your pursuit of parenthood. I can also help to guide you and propose different alternatives that you might not have considered yet from a purely objective point of view.

Ultimately, I can offer you a space like a comfy sofa that you can fall into to feel comforted and reassured and so much more while on this unexpectedly challenging journey.

With love,
Coach Julie

This time Coach Louise is being interviewed! She will make a guest appearance on Conscious Choices Radio Show tomorrow 4.30pm EST. Come and listen!

Join me tomorrow! Feel free to join the conversation with questions or comments.

Join me tomorrow! Feel free to join the conversation with questions or comments.

Hi Everyone,

I am honored to be invited as a guest on Conscious Choices Radio Show http://www.blogtalkradio.com/ConsciousChoices , which will take place on the 12/30/08 at 4.30pm EST! (thats tomorrow)

I am being interviewed so the conversation will be lively! We will be discussing lots of different things that make our lives interesting, and how coaching is part of the quest to finding out what makes us tick and realise our potential! Who knows what the questions will be! I’m hoping a big part of our discussion will also be about setting clear intentions going into the New Year, and how we can make a conscious choice around what is most important to us to help guide us around what we want to focus on going into 2009! I am the KeystoClarity! Coach, so come and learn a little more about me, and what exciting ventures and adventures will be happening next year….next week and how they could involve you, or set you on your own path!

www.blogtalkradio.com/ConsciousChoices  is the link to listen, participate, or access the archived podcast after the show.

Warmly yours,
Coach Louise Crooks

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The Fertile Foundation PowerCircle starts tomorrow! & my journey.

sit with me for a moment, let me share my day...

sit with me for a moment, let me share my day…

I am so pleased to be facilitating this wonderful group starting tomorrow.  Any stragglers still interested, call now, to book your place.   The next one starts in January 2009. (you may put your name on the list now – remember spaces are limited)

I am taking the opportunity to coach myself along the same path the group will be following, by setting the intention to get in touch with Weil Cornell Hospital NY, and making an appointment to see an RE there.  This also means I am committing to collecting the copy of all my notes from my current RE. (why they won’t just send it I don’t know!)  That will be a very good step in the right direction as it will have taken me a year to do collect them!  Talk about procrastination.   My intention is to start an IVF treatment in January 2009, and so I will be laying my ‘fertile foundation’ for this journey.  This will be my 4th IVF.  I feel more equipped for this experience, although interestingly at this point not that attached.  Maybe because it is still a ways off, and doesn’t feel that real yet.   I am 30lbs lighter, my health is good, I am taking my shed loads of folic acid, and will start juicing again on Monday. (juicing is amazing!!! it gives me so much energy and clear-headedness)  I will also be walking at least 3 times a week, to start getting my body moving (I can be a bit of a lazy-bones when it comes to exercise…) and get the blood circulating.  This week will also be the week I organise my acupuncture schedule, so that I am clearing all the energy blocks in my body and nourishing my uterus for the IVF.    Sounds like a lot doesn’t it?  I’ll plan a chat with DH to get support, and see what he can do to help.

I will make a list of everything, and make sure I can schedule it in – ensuring it is do-able!  Please check in to see how I am getting on!  I need your support as much as I will be giving you mine!

I promise to report back at the end of each week, to let you know how I am getting on with my preparation and my journey – emotionally and physically.  This will be my journal…

For all those lovelies out there, who are starting their treatments in January, what are you doing to prepare yourself.   Did you know you can influence the quality of your follicles by preparing your body for 3 months prior to ‘conception’ ?   So preparation is important.   Remember we have the holiday season to get through, and managing ourselves and our body’s wellbeing is imperative if we are going to be ready!   This goes for anyone starting anytime of course.

Well, thats all for now!  I hope you had a wonderful weekend, and a Hallow’d Eve!



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Group Program starting on Monday!

Wow, it’s amazing but the beginning of November is almost here!  Together with the elections, beautiful fall colors (in USA), the Holiday Season and of course the all important, infertility journey you are taking.  (Myself included!)  When the majority of people surrounding us are totally unaware of the added burden that we carry and the emotional rollercoaster we might be on, LIFE goes on.  Here is an opportunity to join a small group of women, who are walking in your shoes…

 The Fertile Foundation Power Circle starts Monday, the 3rd November 2008 

Be part of an intimate group without leaving your sofa!  Our group will meet on a weekly basis, by phone (or Skype)  at 12noon EST (- 6hrs GMT) for one hour.  I will give you simple instructions to follow upon your registration.   Initially, everyone in the group will get a chance to share their story, and get to know one another. We will take the opportunity, in the on-coming weeks, to:

·     Be heard, without feeling judged.

·     Know that we are in a safe and confidential space of sharing our feelings and experiences.

·     Get to clarify our hopes and dreams of our journey however it progresses (natural, IUI, IVF, donor,adoption, child-free).

·     Set clear intentions on how to take charge of our journey – emotionally, physically and spiritually.  This covers a whole gamut of topics that we can discuss- just to name few:

·          diet,

·          exercise,

·          specialists,

·          tests,

·          dealing with miscarriage,

·          grief,

·          communication with our spouse

·          pregnant friends,

·          interfering family

·          Holiday gatherings  etc!

  This is where we can build our ‘foundation’ for fertility!

·     Be resources of information and a sounding board for one another.

·     Come to a place where you might just want be ‘cradled’ in that moment, and supported in general.

·     Get tips and tools from Louise on making the journey an easier and more joyful one.

·     To learn more about the Law of Attraction.

·     Discover how to become more than your infertility with the guidance of Marina Lombardo’s book.  (to learn more about this – listen to my latest radio show  www.blogtalkradio.com/KeystoClarity-coach )

·     Be part of a group moving forward together, instead of isolating ourselves which happens all to easily.

·     Be part of an intimate group without leaving your sofa!

·     Get coaching from Louise when you get stuck – yes, lots of stickiness on this journey!

·     Learn tips to relax and de-stress in preparation for a successful outcome.

·     Have access to a private group online forum to talk in between sessions.

·     Have unlimited email access to Louise in between sessions.

·     Make new and meaningful friendships with amazing women facing similar issues to you!

I am thrilled and so moved to be able to facilitate this program.  This group is about taking women out of isolation and into a setting where they feel safe and supported. Where women are in a positive environment that can help them to make plans about their future, and deal with positive and negative experiences as they happen.  This is about creating a safe space to share and not be analyzed!  This is about women who deserve to be nurtured and taken care of, especially when they are taking care of everybody else!

Give yourself permission to get support on this special and often difficult journey, especially when the goal is such an important one. 

If you are interested in joining us, , please contact Louise as soon as possible.   There are just a few spaces left in the November group.   If the timing isn’t right, there will be a new program starting in January – again limited space, so book in advance.   I invite you to inquire if you are curious!  My contact details are on the Contact page! or you can comment on the post.

Each one of you will be an integral part of this sacred space, for yourself, and for each and every one of the women participating. I am really looking forward to creating this special space with you.


Coach Louise

Louise Crooks – LifeBalanceinFertility Coach

The status of this blog

PS: Don’t let distance / time-zone get in your way!  One of our group members is from the Philippines

Baseline tests for Fertility if you’re not sure where to get started

The possibilities...

The possibilities…

One of my coaching clients, lets call her Jane, asked me about some information regarding fertility.  She was addressing her concerns at being 37, and not being in the right place in her relationship to start trying for a baby, even though the topic was on the table.

One of the first things we can do is just have a couple of simple blood tests to create a baseline to work from.  It will give us an understanding of where we are in terms of our fertility.

Testing the FSH levels.   The Follicle Stimulating Hormone, stimulates the growth of the follicle to become an egg.  The harder the hormone has to work to stimulate this growth, the higher the hormone reading will be.  High is not good.  When all is working smoothly the FSH levels will be at a lower level.  If the reading is high, your RE (reproductive endocrinologist) or your OB/GYN will always read it as this level, even if you get a better reading the next time you have the test.  They are looking at worst case scenario.   I won’t give an indication of the levels for the readings as different clinics seem to use different methodologies.  Ask your doctor to explain which one he uses, and how it works.  From this test, it will indicate the quality and quantity levels of your eggs/follicles.

Estradial Testing, is to test the level of your Estrogen Hormone.  This is important for the lining of the uterus to thicken when trying to fall pregnant.

LH Testing, or the Luteinising Hormone, indicates the level of the hormone when ovulating.

Your doctor will also give you an internal exam / ultrasound to see that your uterus etc is all looking okay.

Your doctor might also ask you to go for an HSG (a Hysterosalpingogram) which is an x-ray using a contrast dye flowing through the uterus and fallopian tubes, to see if there are any blockages or abnormalities that might prevent pregnancy.   It can be a little uncomfortable, but is tolerable, and doesn’t take too long.

This is a pretty basic explanation of what they can do to start with.   Its not particularly invasive and may allay fears or at least give you a picture of where you are in your fertility at this point in time.

Also consider your what your values and needs are.  My client wants to be married before she tries for a baby.  She wants to try for her own biological baby.   She knows that if it works out that the timing isn’t right that she would be okay with this, as she sees her life as full and wonderful with or without children.  These are great questions to ask yourself.


Coach Louise

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PS.  If you are starting your journey and would like support and guidance along the way, consider joining the Fertile Foundation Powercircle starting at the beginning of November.  See previous post on the Fertile Foundation Powercircle.   This is an opportunity to take charge of your fertility.

PPS:  If you would like more information generally, have a look on the Resources page.

National Infertility Awareness Week (NIAW)

Hi Everyone,

I am back from my seminar in San Fransisco, so I will be posting a bit more this week!  And of course, its a very important week!  NIAW!  19th -25th October 2008.   I am setting the challenge for all of us to do one purposeful thing for someone ,going through the rollercoaster infertility journey, that you know this week.  I will post what I have done, and I would love it if you will post yours!  It would be great to create some positive energy and ripple effect in what can be sad and isolating journey for so many.  Reach out, share your stories, see what happens…

lovingly yours,

Coach Louise 😉

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PS Don’t forget, The Fertile Foundation Powercircle is starting in just under 2 weeks.  If you are interested, and want to make sure you secure your place in the group, please get in touch.  Lets form a sacred space to take charge of our journey!

PPS:  If you are new to the world of infertility, visit www.resolve.org  an amazing non-profit organisation that provides wonderful support for all of us in different ways.  Check it out!  And under Resources for more tips and links.


The Fertile Foundation Powercircle is starting soon….

Join me!

Join me!

Hi to all my dear friends,

If you are thinking how nice it would be to talk to people going through the same or similar things to you, and get some real support, then this is the place for you.

We will meet once a week on the phone, teleconference style, to talk as a group (limited to 6 people).   I am so looking forward to facilitating this type of meeting where we can be heard, speak authentically, and take small steps to creating our amazing future, with or without the end result we desire so much.  We will be there every step of the way.  We have a big one coming soon – the holidays… how do we handle family, and friends, and  gatherings with children/babies in tow?!  This is just one of many things we will get to discuss in our special group.  Lets take the opportunity to empower ourselves!

If you are interested and want to know more about this, please email me on louise@keystoclarity.com or respond to this post.    The group starts on the Monday the 3rd of November 2008 at 12noon Eastern Standard Time.  (GMT -5hrs)

lovingly yours,

Coach Louise

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PS  I know there are some wonderful women I have been blogging with on this special journey (you know who you are)  and I would be so happy for you to join me by participating in this unique experience!  Consider yourself invited!

‘The Fertile Foundation Powercircle’ is born!

Hi to all of you out there!

I am revising this post, after a lot of thought,  having decided how very important it is for women facing infertility challenges to have their own specific group. A group dedicated to the action they are taking and the results they want specifically from a fertility perspective! A safe haven for support, resources, and friendship.So I introduce to you , The Fertile Foundation Powercircle.  The reason why I use the word ‘foundation’ , is because  we, the group, will ensure that all the groundwork is covered, to create a solid ‘foundation’ or process, to create successful results!  We will also be there to catch you if you fall, and if the results you get aren’t what you expected.  We will be there throughout!

What is a powercircle?  It is a small group of ndividuals that meet by phone or in person with the group to create action around their intentions/goals, and to support one another in doing that.

In this particular Powercircle, we will meet once a week by phone as a group. We will check on how you are doing with the goals and intentions you had set at the beginning. Each journey is different and will be honored accordingly.  We will clarify what that is for each of you are at the beginning in some detail.  This can be particularly helpful for those out there who are preparing for a cycle – to keep you on track, or those who are going through treatments, to keep you feeling supported and focused, and to keep you sane!   It really helps to have people supporting and rooting for you. There is also the ‘accountability factor’, knowing that each week we will be checking in with you to see how you are getting on, and holding your feet to the fire if that is what you want!  For example, one of your goals might be to give up coffee which might be a struggle. The group will hold you accountable and support you when you get stuck.  I will also coach anyone who is having difficulty or finding they are blocked in some way to getting where they want to go!  It will be fun, and the results will be tremendous!  This is a great way to experience coaching without the expense!- and an opportunity to meet with people who will support you unconditionally without leaving your house.

What are the benefits?   Working with an intimate group of people, who care about your success. Eliminating isolation.  Sharing ideas and possibilities. Staying on track.  Living day to day with purpose.  Support for those moments where things aren’t going so well.  Celebrating your successes, no matter how small!  The list goes on….

This group will start on Monday evenings from the first week in November 2008 at 6pm weekly.  It will be 1 hour in duration. The group will be no larger than 8.   Once the group is full, due to my commitment to confidentiality and creating a safe space, new members will not be admitted after the 1st 2 weeks, unless expressly requested or agreed upon, by the group.  I am happy to start a new group for new members if needed.  This will be an opportunity to get support and create strategies around managing through the holiday / festive season!

If you are interested, please email me at louise@keystoclarity.com, and we can discuss more details!  I offer a money back guarantee for the 1st month!  You have everything to gain, and nothing to lose!

I encourage you to take this opportunity to love yourself first, so you really can create the life and family that you want!   Don’t forget there are only 8 spaces, so act quickly.  Welcome to the Fertile Foundation Powercircle!

And don’t forget time-zones and geography don’t make any difference anymore.  Call in on Skype!

For anyone who has comments or feedback about this – please post!


Coach Louise

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PS  For anyone interested in the Super-Solopreneur 100 Day Challenge, for small business owners, particularly coaches and holistic practioners, please look on my other blog http://keystoclaritycoach.wordpress.com   for details.