Tag Archive | meditation

Coach Louise and Coach Julie

Dear blog reader,

Coach Louise began this blog with the intention that it be a place to share stories, ask questions, get support in a safe place of understanding and compassion, as well as a source for information on the topic of infertility, miscarriage, treatments etc. I am so excited to be taking over the administration of the blog and continuing on the mission of supporting you on your unique fertility journey. If you’d like to know more about me and what I offer, please click About Julie or visit Whole Vision Coaching. I’m so glad you’re here. Most importantly, I really want you to understand that you are not alone and this part of your adventure does not define who you are.

Having experienced the frustrations of unexplained infertility personally, I recognize that the experience can be isolating when the people around you don’t necessarily understand what you are going through. It is also often the first crisis couples come up against where there is really no control over the outcome. I want to connect with you and give you as much support as possible to lead a life full of joy and balance no matter the outcome of your pursuit of parenthood. I can also help to guide you and propose different alternatives that you might not have considered yet from a purely objective point of view.

Ultimately, I can offer you a space like a comfy sofa that you can fall into to feel comforted and reassured and so much more while on this unexpectedly challenging journey.

With love,
Coach Julie

Group Program starting on Monday!

Wow, it’s amazing but the beginning of November is almost here!  Together with the elections, beautiful fall colors (in USA), the Holiday Season and of course the all important, infertility journey you are taking.  (Myself included!)  When the majority of people surrounding us are totally unaware of the added burden that we carry and the emotional rollercoaster we might be on, LIFE goes on.  Here is an opportunity to join a small group of women, who are walking in your shoes…

 The Fertile Foundation Power Circle starts Monday, the 3rd November 2008 

Be part of an intimate group without leaving your sofa!  Our group will meet on a weekly basis, by phone (or Skype)  at 12noon EST (- 6hrs GMT) for one hour.  I will give you simple instructions to follow upon your registration.   Initially, everyone in the group will get a chance to share their story, and get to know one another. We will take the opportunity, in the on-coming weeks, to:

·     Be heard, without feeling judged.

·     Know that we are in a safe and confidential space of sharing our feelings and experiences.

·     Get to clarify our hopes and dreams of our journey however it progresses (natural, IUI, IVF, donor,adoption, child-free).

·     Set clear intentions on how to take charge of our journey – emotionally, physically and spiritually.  This covers a whole gamut of topics that we can discuss- just to name few:

·          diet,

·          exercise,

·          specialists,

·          tests,

·          dealing with miscarriage,

·          grief,

·          communication with our spouse

·          pregnant friends,

·          interfering family

·          Holiday gatherings  etc!

  This is where we can build our ‘foundation’ for fertility!

·     Be resources of information and a sounding board for one another.

·     Come to a place where you might just want be ‘cradled’ in that moment, and supported in general.

·     Get tips and tools from Louise on making the journey an easier and more joyful one.

·     To learn more about the Law of Attraction.

·     Discover how to become more than your infertility with the guidance of Marina Lombardo’s book.  (to learn more about this – listen to my latest radio show  www.blogtalkradio.com/KeystoClarity-coach )

·     Be part of a group moving forward together, instead of isolating ourselves which happens all to easily.

·     Be part of an intimate group without leaving your sofa!

·     Get coaching from Louise when you get stuck – yes, lots of stickiness on this journey!

·     Learn tips to relax and de-stress in preparation for a successful outcome.

·     Have access to a private group online forum to talk in between sessions.

·     Have unlimited email access to Louise in between sessions.

·     Make new and meaningful friendships with amazing women facing similar issues to you!

I am thrilled and so moved to be able to facilitate this program.  This group is about taking women out of isolation and into a setting where they feel safe and supported. Where women are in a positive environment that can help them to make plans about their future, and deal with positive and negative experiences as they happen.  This is about creating a safe space to share and not be analyzed!  This is about women who deserve to be nurtured and taken care of, especially when they are taking care of everybody else!

Give yourself permission to get support on this special and often difficult journey, especially when the goal is such an important one. 

If you are interested in joining us, , please contact Louise as soon as possible.   There are just a few spaces left in the November group.   If the timing isn’t right, there will be a new program starting in January – again limited space, so book in advance.   I invite you to inquire if you are curious!  My contact details are on the Contact page! or you can comment on the post.

Each one of you will be an integral part of this sacred space, for yourself, and for each and every one of the women participating. I am really looking forward to creating this special space with you.


Coach Louise

Louise Crooks – LifeBalanceinFertility Coach

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PS: Don’t let distance / time-zone get in your way!  One of our group members is from the Philippines

Are you feeling overwhelmed? Effects on Fertility.

Hi everybody!

WAKE UP and smell the ..... !

WAKE UP and smell the ….. !

I just watched an Oprah show which focused on a woman who left her baby in her car by accident.  8 hours later the baby was discovered, and had died of heatstroke.   So so so sad.

One might think that those of us trying to have a baby – naturally or through ART, might be outraged or horrified by this woman’s actions.   But I am full of compassion and empathy for her.   She is devastated, her husband is devastated, and she is now, a year later, making sure that the sacrifice her baby daughter Cecilia made, sends a message to all of us out there.   I want to help to get that message out there.

The big lesson from that show and that poor woman was that she was total overwhelmed that day and lost the plot.  She was a vice principle at a school, and school had just started its new term that day.  Her husband normally took the children to shool/daycare in the morning.  That day he had a dentist appointment and he asked his wife to take the kids to school and daycare.  She took the 1 child to school, but it was too early to drop off her baby at daycare, and she had a list as long as her arm of things she was focusing on for that day.  The pressure was on.  She drove to her work (school) as she normally would and started her day.    8 hrs later as she was preparing to leave, her colleague asked her if she had just picked up her daughter from daycare, as she had seen her in the car.      All hell broke loose, as she realised what she had done and rushed to the car, to find little Cecilia, dead.

Gosh, I have to breathe in, just to anticipate her agony in that moment, and all the moments thereafter.   When afterall it was just a mistake.  A big one, granted, but still a mistake.  It could have happened to ANYONE!

She was overwhelmed, trying to be everything to everyone, trying to take care of everything.  There is no such thing as being super mom – being a mom, wife, and have a job/business, and be able to do all those things / roles with attention, focus and mindfulness.   Something has to suffer at the expense of other. Wake up everybody!  Its time to take stock of your day to day life, and look at what you are doing with your time.   Does it have any meaning?  Or are you racing onto the next thing, thinking of what you need to get done, thinking of what you haven’t accomplished for that day.   A lot of people out there live this way.  Part of that is due to the messages we receive about how we ‘should be’ in our society, and also the expectations we create of ourselves.   But it is time to take responsibility for ourselves.   For our wellbeing!

I remember a time when I was living in London, and had an experience where my brain completely overloaded, because of the amount of things I had to do that day.  I was leaving to fly long distance to SA from the UK that evening, I had a client lunch meeting that day, I had get all my work up to date and complete a couple of assignments, and pass on anything that needed managing while I was away to a colleague.  I also participated in being interviewed on a radio show at the time on a weekly basis.  10 years ago, that was a pretty big deal.

Well, I completely forgot about the radio show!  I went out, did my thing and came back, to find my boss blowing smoke out of his ears that he had had to take over on the radio show that day. (this was a task he not wanted any part of – partly because of his nervousness to be on the air)       I was horrified. But I knew what had happened.  I had taken on so much that my brain had shortcircuited!   That was a big lesson for me that day.   Not really in terms of consequences, but more about my own integrity and conscience about the professional I wished be viewed as.  And dealing with the stress of taking so much on, realising that I could only do so much.

Thankfully it wasn’t a life or death situation.   What I really want to draw your attention to, is that its time we looked at our own schedule and see if we need to slow down.  We live in a world where we are technologically able to do so much more, and then we agree to take it all on, when in reality we cannot.

When you are in the unique situation of infertility,  it is at  a time like this, that you really want to be paying attention to this issue.  Its an issue many many women taken on when they are trying to be everything to everyone.  The stress that it brings is enormous, even if it doesn’t feel apparent.    Stress and feeling overwhelmed is our enemy when we are trying to conceive.    The journey of infertility, is difficult enough as it is without having the extra pressure!

So ask yourself these questions?  Am I trying to do too much?    Who can I  ask for some help?    What I am putting in my schedule, that isn’t really that important?   How can I slow down?   And am I present, and paying attention to my own wellbeing, as well as those around me?

The effects of overwhelm and stress and over commitment might be as devastating as losing a child due to a lapse of memory, it might not   –  but,  what is it costing you right now?…..

Maybe being a good mom to the children you already have, maybe your relationship with your spouse, or maybe the possibility of making a family of your own.

I would love any questions, or comments.  If anyone is curious as to how coaching might help in this situation, please go to my details on my contact site to call or email me.

with all things in balance,

Coach Louise

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Thinking about getting a Coach? mmmm…

Hi Everyone!

Tea and a Chat!

Tea and a Chat!

It occurred to me that some of you are thinking how nice it would be to have a coach to partner with you on your fertility journey.  Being there for you through the rollercoaster of emotions, hormones, and results!   You are truly giving a gift to yourself and the process by taking that step.   Who knows, it could even affect your results!  Why? because you’ll feel calmer (and possibly retain your sanity), more prepared, more informed, and supported!   If you are even thinking about it, just a tinsey insey bit, then I challenge you to get in touch to see if it is indeed the right step to take in YOUR journey.   I am available on Skype, and time zone is not a problem (we’ll make a plan) !   Our initial chat is a free consultation!  You have nothing to lose, and possibly a lot to gain.   It is my passion to partner with women like you, who so often feel- overwhelmed by options, don’t know their options, a little lost or confused or isolated or stressed -going through this process.  I have been there!  What I really want for you is to have the family you have always dreamed of.   Call or email me.  Go on, I dare you. (see my contact page)  We’ll sit down for a virtual cup of tea and a chat.

Cheekily but lovingly yours,

Coach Louise Crooks

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PS  If you mention this blog post,  I will gift you 50% off the 1st 2 sessions if you decide you would like to give it try!

Become an Energy Magnet – Interview today!

now thats getting your rest!

now thats getting your rest!

Tune into my radio show this afternoon at 4pm EST. (Link on side of page)

This is a unique opportunity to listen to and particate in an interview where I will be talking with Christine Clifton, a Life Coach who coaches individuals dealing with Chronic Conditions and Pain, and to find out how to conserve your energy!  She calls it becoming a ‘PowerPlant’!  I coach Women and Couples dealing with the effects on energy when facing the challenges of fertility treatments such as IVF or IUI.  Both Christine and I also experience chronic pain, through fibromyalgia and migraine respectively.  We are in unique position to really bolster and guide those who are looking to really take care of themselves to create the best outcome from infertility issues or just for life in general. Stress is a big energy drain, as well as so many other factors.. Tune in to hear our thought provoking show!

Listen to the archived podcast if you can’t make it live!  We welcome any callers who have any questions or comments during the show.

‘See” you on the air!

Energetically yours,

Coach Louise Crooks

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Tired! Fatigued! Interview with Christine Clifton

Hi Everybody!

Well serendipity strikes!   I was reading through my last post, and surprised myself, when I realised that I had set up the next radio show today, on the very topic I mentioned before – managing energy – with Christine Clifton!  She and I had a wonderful afternoon getting to know one another as fellow coaches, and I asked her if she would like to be interviewed about this particular subject!  Fatigue, and feeling sluggish are symptoms women in fertility treatments face, as well as individuals suffering from chronic conditions or pain, which is the area Christine coaches – so we agreed this would be great topic to discuss on KTC Radio.  The interview will take place at 4pm EST  on the 2nd of September.   Click on the link on the side of the page, to take you there – either to listen live, or to download the archived podcast of the show after that date.  I am sure it will be very interesting and powerful for those in this unique position.  So often we can feel misunderstood and alone because of the isolation these conditions can cause, so knowing there are people like us out there to talk to, who understand  what you are going through can be very helpful.   I would love any comments on this post, and feel free to phone in with questions on the show, or post them here, and I will do my best to address any that come up, on the show!   Looking forward to ‘seeing’ you there.

love, light and ‘energy’


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