Tag Archive | journey

Robotic Treatment for Endometriosis Covered by Insurance

Veins of Life, by Tim Geers

According to RESOLVE, “an estimated three to five million American women of reproductive age” experience endometriosis. It is well known that endometriosis impacts fertility, but how it actually interferes with conception is still under much investigation. Treatment for endometriosis to prepare women for conception involves surgery and has been around for many years now. However, there is improved technology now available that promises to make the surgery more accurate and thorough, and patients are finding a significant reduction in recovery time and time to conception.

Dr. Samuel Brown of Jacksonville, FL is touted as the originator of this procedure. ActionNewsJax.com covered the story and includes a video. If you know you have endometriosis, I thought it would be worthwhile to share the link with you. If you think you might have endometriosis but you’re not sure, RESOLVE has a useful Questions to Ask Series Article that will help you understand and open a discussion about it with your doctor.

Because it is a common barrier to conception and because some of the symptoms overlap with other menstrual complaints, doctors will often want to rule it out right away before pursuing fertility treatments and assisted reproductive technology. When I initially brought concerns of infertility to my primary care doctor, endometriosis was one of the first things she wanted to look for. At that stage of my fertility journey, I was still in denial that there could be something physical standing between me and conception. I wasn’t willing to accept that endometriosis could be a possibility. In the end, it was shown that I did not have endometriosis; however, I could have eliminated the doubt of it and moved down a more confident and clear path of progress if I had simply checked it out at the first suggestion. No harm in gathering data when you are completely in the dark about why you are trying so hard but not conceiving — especially if the data gathering is covered by insurance.



Coach Louise and Coach Julie

Dear blog reader,

Coach Louise began this blog with the intention that it be a place to share stories, ask questions, get support in a safe place of understanding and compassion, as well as a source for information on the topic of infertility, miscarriage, treatments etc. I am so excited to be taking over the administration of the blog and continuing on the mission of supporting you on your unique fertility journey. If you’d like to know more about me and what I offer, please click About Julie or visit Whole Vision Coaching. I’m so glad you’re here. Most importantly, I really want you to understand that you are not alone and this part of your adventure does not define who you are.

Having experienced the frustrations of unexplained infertility personally, I recognize that the experience can be isolating when the people around you don’t necessarily understand what you are going through. It is also often the first crisis couples come up against where there is really no control over the outcome. I want to connect with you and give you as much support as possible to lead a life full of joy and balance no matter the outcome of your pursuit of parenthood. I can also help to guide you and propose different alternatives that you might not have considered yet from a purely objective point of view.

Ultimately, I can offer you a space like a comfy sofa that you can fall into to feel comforted and reassured and so much more while on this unexpectedly challenging journey.

With love,
Coach Julie

The Journey 8 Day New Year Cleanse: New Beginnings Physically and Emotionally


Dear Friends,

I just had the wonderful opportunity to be on the first of 8 daily calls with an organisation called The Journey who I believe do the most amazing work worldwide.  To learn more about this experience I am having, and how you can participate too (for FREE) please click on my other blog to get the details!    www.keystoclaritycoach.wordpress.com  or see on side of page.   Or you can just go straight to www.thejourney.com

I really encourage anyone getting ready to do an IVF or IUI in the next couple of months to investigate as it is a wonderful and supportive way to prepare yourself!   That is what I’m doing!


Coach Louise

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PS Its not too late to join!  They are recording the calls so you can catch up and join the rest!

This time Coach Louise is being interviewed! She will make a guest appearance on Conscious Choices Radio Show tomorrow 4.30pm EST. Come and listen!

Join me tomorrow! Feel free to join the conversation with questions or comments.

Join me tomorrow! Feel free to join the conversation with questions or comments.

Hi Everyone,

I am honored to be invited as a guest on Conscious Choices Radio Show http://www.blogtalkradio.com/ConsciousChoices , which will take place on the 12/30/08 at 4.30pm EST! (thats tomorrow)

I am being interviewed so the conversation will be lively! We will be discussing lots of different things that make our lives interesting, and how coaching is part of the quest to finding out what makes us tick and realise our potential! Who knows what the questions will be! I’m hoping a big part of our discussion will also be about setting clear intentions going into the New Year, and how we can make a conscious choice around what is most important to us to help guide us around what we want to focus on going into 2009! I am the KeystoClarity! Coach, so come and learn a little more about me, and what exciting ventures and adventures will be happening next year….next week and how they could involve you, or set you on your own path!

www.blogtalkradio.com/ConsciousChoices  is the link to listen, participate, or access the archived podcast after the show.

Warmly yours,
Coach Louise Crooks

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Hello to fellow Baby Dancers!

Hi All,

Me hopefully! in 2009

Me hopefully! in 2009

I finally decided that I wanted to wait until next year 2009 to start the IVF treatment. (No 4)  I feel I need the space to focus on the building blocks of creating a baby, by first focusing on me.  Even I had been planning to in the last few months, I haven’t been able to give it my all because of other distractions, like overseas visitors and travel.  So now is the time.  I am really starting now on  general health, eating and exercising.  Both need improvement, although I am not doing too badly on the eating.  I was told that my cholesterol was very high 294 today, which is amazing because my diet is actually pretty good.  Although I believe it is a genetic problem in my family.   We  also need time to do the research so we know who we want to go with – RE -wise, when the time comes in January.  Yes, we will not be wasting any time once the new year hits!    We both have a couple of trips planned in October and November, and it is going to be crazy trying to physically plan an IVF around those.  So our decision has taken the pressure off!  And I do feel better for it.   Now I can devote my time to really focusing on making a nice fuzzy warm landing place for that little embie/s when the time comes.

So who is going to join me in the Fertility Foundation Powercircle?!  Whatever stage of the cycle or treatment you are in, feel free to join, to get the much needed support through this process.  We will make the journey lighter, and perhaps even have a little fun!   I really want that for myself in the upcoming preparation.  What do you want for yourself?       (See the post at the top of the site for info about the Powercircle)


Fellow BDer, Louise

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Louise’ Journey – Philosophical thoughts…

I wrote this on someone’s blog today, and thought well, this would be a great post on my own blog….

Coach Louise

Coach Louise

In answer to Sharon’s blog – about her inspiring message and determination….

It is something I realised through my journey is that infertility or having a baby doesn’t define who I am.  Letting go of the outcome of a successful IVF/IUI treatment was one of the hardest lessons – but once the realisation came, it was one of relief.  I realised I wasn’t the one in control –  ( determination-here I come) that giving that totally over to whomever, God, the Universe, Grace – and just letting what will be, be.  That took me a while, and of course is something I do have to remind myself of.   My miscarriage was heartbreaking.  But I have allowed myself to grieve, and not know why…   I have subsequently learned about the possibility that we choose to come to earth having decided which lessons we need to learn, and that my baby came purely for that few weeks for a reason.  What is my learning….still working on that one… but it gives me more compassion, understanding and love for those who walk in my shoes – part of the reason why I now coach women on this journey….  Sterkte (strength for non South Africans) , to you Sharon, you are an inspiration.  We are all whole, beautiful and loved, and how we show up in life – we certainly have a choice in that – is all that matters.

with love and conviction,
Coach Louise Crooks

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Can the path to parenthood be more joyful?



I asked myself this, when I changed the heading to this blog….. I think it’s the journey and outcome of a string of experiences, that can be joyful. Even if there might not be a ‘biological’ baby at the end of it… Just knowing where you are headed with certainty can bring joy! On an uncertain journey such as this, where emotions peak and trough continuously, the path of creation can be a joyous one! Managing the pain and suffering that the experiences can bring, bring forth a different you, one with more compassion, understanding, and wisdom, as well as hope, faith, and peace. Of course it does depend on how you view this journey, and what you intend to get out of it, besides the obvious. As a coach, I am able to soften the corners when you get to the hairpin bends in the road. I am the collaborator, the mother, the mentor, the assistant architect, the catalyst, the guide – someone you can depend on to be there, and to be what you need me to be. That can create a joyful journey through the maze of deliberation, and waiting. Yet, as I say this, I know fully well, the emotional upheaval this journey brings… I know some of the pitfalls, and I know I can shine a light on some of those and catch them at the pass. My journey is ongoing…. my thoughts are on the possibility of donor egg, but hope is still alive, my flame is still burning, I am not ready to concede. What will be will be.


Coach Louise

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I just turned 40! My Fertility Journey.

I have just turned 40!  I don’t feel it.  It seems a little surreal.  What I have realised for myself, which I would like to share with you, is that ’40’ is just a label!   How I feel, and how my body has aged, is really what counts!  How we treat our bodies right now is what makes all the difference.   I do however have high FSH and I will be curious to see what the difference will now be,and  how I will be treated now that I have reach this next ‘barrier’.    I am doing a lot of things differently than when I first started the fertility journey.   Right now I am ona  course of Ayurvedic herbs, prescribed by an Ayurvedic Physician and Pulse Reader from India, called Dr Pankaj Naram.  He has treated the Dalai Lama!  Interestingly he is of the opinion that often it is the men that need the attention from an infertility standpoint, and so my husband is also on a whole load of herbs too.  I am open to new and natural wonders, and Dr Nuram truly has a gift, that has helped a number of infertile couples.   He was intuitively able to tell that I was a Life Coach just by touching my wrist, knowing that helping people is my priority! Reading a person’s pulse literally takes a minute or two, so he is therefore able to see 100’s of people everyday, and certainly doesn’t have time to do research on his patients (for you skeptics out there!)  He is the real McCoy!

So now I am doing the herbs, the juicing (going to get better at doing that every day), taking cell food in my water, checking my ph balance every morning, and drinking my Body Balance everyday (amazing stuff! – haven’t been sick for a year and a half!).   Once I get back from Spain at the end of the month, I will start my gentle exercise regime of walking 4 times a week, and swimming a couple of times a week.   Keep me accountable folks!   I lost 30lbs since last July, and so it should give me a better chance at success with the IVF I will probably undertake in October or November.    We will also see a specialist in NY, who has a slightly different approach, so I will be curious to hear what he has to say.  Been highly recommended so I will keep you informed.    Our previous endocrinologist feels he has done all he can for us, so now we are looking at doing things slightly differently.  Its ok to try someone else, they might have a different approach or perspective to your previous doctor, and now its our turn to go down that road.   We are open!

I am embracing 40!    and just keeping on track!

warming up those embies!

Coach Louise Crooks ~ The KeystoClarity! Coach

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Louise’s Journey

I have  started juicing! Its great – I love it.  It makes me feel alive!   I am working on ‘completions’ or ‘deletions’ at the moment –  getting little projects done, or finishing off things that have been waiting half finished!  Its a very freeing feeling, and creates more space and energy to allow new things to come into my life!   I started playing some tennis with Clive (hubbie) which I love!  I am not very good at it, but just doing something fun, takes the ‘exercise’ out of it!  and it gets the blood flowing! (very important)   I will also start my ayurvedic herbs this week….I am open on that one, not sure what to expect!    Clive is being very supportive of the process, and is helping by creating a menu of our meals for the week, so we eat well and healthily.  I am very lucky to have a man who loves to cook!      My coaching question this week is:  What can you do to get support around something you are doing that is important to you?    Feel free to comment, it will be great feedback for me, as well as helping others to grow as they read this blog!

Louise x   Have a great week!

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Interview with Stephanie Webb

Hi all,

Check out my radio show this evening!  I will be hosting KtC Radio at 6.30pm in the segment covering the subject of the Fertility Journey and how stay balanced through the experience.  Stephanie will share her own journey with us, and what came out of her experiences and challenges.  It is a powerful story of hope and tenacity!

The url is www.blogtalkradio.com/KeystoClarity!coach     once in the site, click on the Listen Now button and you’ll be able to hear us!  You will see a call in number on the profile page, so feel free to call the show with your questions and comments!

love, peace, and prosperity


PS:  Don’t forget ALL SHOWS are ARCHIVED as PODCASTS!  on http://www.blogtalkradio.com/KeystoClarity-coach

Coach Louise Crooks

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