Tag Archive | Resolve

Robotic Treatment for Endometriosis Covered by Insurance

Veins of Life, by Tim Geers

According to RESOLVE, “an estimated three to five million American women of reproductive age” experience endometriosis. It is well known that endometriosis impacts fertility, but how it actually interferes with conception is still under much investigation. Treatment for endometriosis to prepare women for conception involves surgery and has been around for many years now. However, there is improved technology now available that promises to make the surgery more accurate and thorough, and patients are finding a significant reduction in recovery time and time to conception.

Dr. Samuel Brown of Jacksonville, FL is touted as the originator of this procedure. ActionNewsJax.com covered the story and includes a video. If you know you have endometriosis, I thought it would be worthwhile to share the link with you. If you think you might have endometriosis but you’re not sure, RESOLVE has a useful Questions to Ask Series Article that will help you understand and open a discussion about it with your doctor.

Because it is a common barrier to conception and because some of the symptoms overlap with other menstrual complaints, doctors will often want to rule it out right away before pursuing fertility treatments and assisted reproductive technology. When I initially brought concerns of infertility to my primary care doctor, endometriosis was one of the first things she wanted to look for. At that stage of my fertility journey, I was still in denial that there could be something physical standing between me and conception. I wasn’t willing to accept that endometriosis could be a possibility. In the end, it was shown that I did not have endometriosis; however, I could have eliminated the doubt of it and moved down a more confident and clear path of progress if I had simply checked it out at the first suggestion. No harm in gathering data when you are completely in the dark about why you are trying so hard but not conceiving — especially if the data gathering is covered by insurance.



Increase Fertility, Naturally: From Experience Life Magazine

Kristin Ohlson, a regular contributor to Experience Life Magazine, has written an up-to-date, concise primer on preparing your body for conception. Her article Increase Fertility, Naturally gives 9 practical strategies for cultivating a healthy pregnancy. She starts out with the reminder that, according to RESOLVE, one in 10 of us will experience infertility.

Each of the 9 suggestions (with accompanying explanation) is valuable. If you take all 9 and implement them as a package, you’ll be setting a solid foundation for trying to conceive. Of course, there may be other issues to address, but don’t sneeze at this set of 9. It’s a perfect place to start to ensure you’re creating the best possible conditions. The article is also sprinkled with useful references.

My personal favorite is Number 7. Look Beyond the Numbers.

On the web version of this article, Kristin has included a 10th (a Web Extra) to help men create the best conditions for the swimmers too.

For those of you experiencing a deeper level of frustration on the fertility path, I’m offering a complimentary guide Freedom from Infertility Frustration: 6 Steps to Relief. Visit Whole Vision Coaching to have the guide sent to you.

Coach Louise and Coach Julie

Dear blog reader,

Coach Louise began this blog with the intention that it be a place to share stories, ask questions, get support in a safe place of understanding and compassion, as well as a source for information on the topic of infertility, miscarriage, treatments etc. I am so excited to be taking over the administration of the blog and continuing on the mission of supporting you on your unique fertility journey. If you’d like to know more about me and what I offer, please click About Julie or visit Whole Vision Coaching. I’m so glad you’re here. Most importantly, I really want you to understand that you are not alone and this part of your adventure does not define who you are.

Having experienced the frustrations of unexplained infertility personally, I recognize that the experience can be isolating when the people around you don’t necessarily understand what you are going through. It is also often the first crisis couples come up against where there is really no control over the outcome. I want to connect with you and give you as much support as possible to lead a life full of joy and balance no matter the outcome of your pursuit of parenthood. I can also help to guide you and propose different alternatives that you might not have considered yet from a purely objective point of view.

Ultimately, I can offer you a space like a comfy sofa that you can fall into to feel comforted and reassured and so much more while on this unexpectedly challenging journey.

With love,
Coach Julie

Louise Crooks discusses Fertility Issues & Coaching on Conscious Choices Radio today!

Hi Everyone!

There is always hope!

There is always hope!

Just a heads up for anyone who would like more information on the journey we go on as we deal with fertility challenges!  I have been invited to talk about Infertility and how coaching can support you going through this experience – so I am sure a lot of your questions will be answered!  If they are not, please comment on this post, with your question.  Please also comment if you liked what you heard, and want to know more.    For anyone who does post a comment on this post regarding the show, I will be giving away 5 Resolve magazines  (Resolve), that just landed on my desk today, to the lucky individuals – I will do a draw to decide who receives these great resources of info!  They have an article called ‘The Light at the End of the Tunnel’ which immediately draws my attention as its very much in alignment with my coaching philosophy!

Listen to the recording on this link  Conscious Choices Radio


Coach Louise

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Get a huge sprinkling of Baby Dust in the New Year: New Telecircle ‘ The Fertile Foundation Powercircle’ starts Mon 19th Jan & Tues 20th Jan. Available to all with a phone or Skype!

Get Inspired...

Get Inspired…

Dear Friends,

A new type of support group (with a coaching twist to keep us on a positive track) is starting soon!   The exciting part is that you don’t have to drive anywhere, you can just call in on a specific telephone number (that I will provide) at the same time each week for one hour.   This support group is quite different to any other that you might have come across in the traditional sense.   We will be coming to the calls from a place of love, non-judgement, and positive energy.

I have found that groups I do coaching with over the phone, really enjoy a close connection with each other, and I believe part of that is the fact that no one knows one another, and can’t see each other!  Hard to believe!?

Everyone relaxs in that space and just takes the time out to be nurtured, to share, to be coached, and to set inspired actions that week that will support the ongoing journey in trying to conceive, whether naturally or through medical assistance.

This group is specifically for those who face the challenge of infertility and the steps they take from that diagnosis.  There will be two groups, one for newbies who are new to this journey, and another for women who are at least 1 year in.

If anyone would like to enquire or book their space ( limit of 8 to a group, so everyone gets to participate) please email me at louise@keystoclarity.com or call me on 732-2992347.   The cost of belonging to this group is nominal to cover my personal outlay, as I see this as a way to give back a community that has been very important to me over the last few years.   The monthy fee is $50.

Baby Dust Powercircle     (for Newbies)  will take place at 12pm Noon EST or – 5 hrs GMT

Mega Baby Dust  Powercircle  (for the more seasoned ladies who have been on the journey for over a year) will start on 20th Jan 12pm Noon EST (or – 5 hrs GMT)

Please pass this information or link onto anyone you know who might like to know about this opportunity.  Many thanks!


Coach Louise

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Interview: Marina Lombardo, Author and Therapist regarding Infertility Issues

Meet Marina Lombardo!

Meet Marina Lombardo!

I am inviting you to listen in on my talk show.  Get all the juicy details about it by clicking on the following link http://www.blogtalkradio.com/KeystoClarity-Coach  (cut and paste into browser in you are not able to click on link)

I will be interviewing Marina Lombard co-author of ‘I Am More Than My Infertility – 7 Proven Tools for Turning a Life Crisis into a Personal Breakthrough’  on Monday 27th at 4pm Eastern.  (-5hr GMT).  .Marina has been a psychotherapist for 20yrs and has a practice counseling women, and couples who are experiencing infertility. We will have an in depth discussion with Marina about the emotional journey of infertility and will  share tips you can use to manage your journey. Any questions are welcome, please feel free to call in the number provided on the screen –  once you have clicked on the link.   If you register on the site, you will also be able to participate in the chat room, and comment or ask questions there.

If you miss the show, you will be able to access to the archived podcast at the same link.

Please forward this info to anyone you think might find this information valuable or of interest. Thanks!

Louise Crooks (your LifeBalanceinFertility Coach) is a professional member of RESOLVE    www.resolve.org

Hope to meet some of my blogging buddies on the show!


Coach Louise

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National Infertility Awareness Week (NIAW)

Hi Everyone,

I am back from my seminar in San Fransisco, so I will be posting a bit more this week!  And of course, its a very important week!  NIAW!  19th -25th October 2008.   I am setting the challenge for all of us to do one purposeful thing for someone ,going through the rollercoaster infertility journey, that you know this week.  I will post what I have done, and I would love it if you will post yours!  It would be great to create some positive energy and ripple effect in what can be sad and isolating journey for so many.  Reach out, share your stories, see what happens…

lovingly yours,

Coach Louise 😉

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PS Don’t forget, The Fertile Foundation Powercircle is starting in just under 2 weeks.  If you are interested, and want to make sure you secure your place in the group, please get in touch.  Lets form a sacred space to take charge of our journey!

PPS:  If you are new to the world of infertility, visit www.resolve.org  an amazing non-profit organisation that provides wonderful support for all of us in different ways.  Check it out!  And under Resources for more tips and links.


The Fertile Foundation Powercircle is starting soon….

Join me!

Join me!

Hi to all my dear friends,

If you are thinking how nice it would be to talk to people going through the same or similar things to you, and get some real support, then this is the place for you.

We will meet once a week on the phone, teleconference style, to talk as a group (limited to 6 people).   I am so looking forward to facilitating this type of meeting where we can be heard, speak authentically, and take small steps to creating our amazing future, with or without the end result we desire so much.  We will be there every step of the way.  We have a big one coming soon – the holidays… how do we handle family, and friends, and  gatherings with children/babies in tow?!  This is just one of many things we will get to discuss in our special group.  Lets take the opportunity to empower ourselves!

If you are interested and want to know more about this, please email me on louise@keystoclarity.com or respond to this post.    The group starts on the Monday the 3rd of November 2008 at 12noon Eastern Standard Time.  (GMT -5hrs)

lovingly yours,

Coach Louise

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PS  I know there are some wonderful women I have been blogging with on this special journey (you know who you are)  and I would be so happy for you to join me by participating in this unique experience!  Consider yourself invited!

Peas! a natural contraceptive…and more.

Did you know that!?   In fact I believe the Japanese have a contraceptive made thats main ingredient is peas.   I frickin’ love peas!  So when I found that out, I was thinking well no wonder I can’t get pregnant!  Ok its a bit more complicated than that.  But I was eating them like I normally do, like crazy!  Well, I wanted to share that with you, as I have my last big bowl of peas, soaked in butter, as I start the build up to my next IVF.  Yummy.   Migraine has me laid low today, peas are a comfort.   DH is away on a course, so I will indulge… butter is an indulgence for me too.  I have generally cut butter and margerines out of my diet, even from sandwiches.  Its amazing how quickly you can get used not having it.   My cholesterol is an issue, and if you get pregnant, you naturally get even higher cholesterol!    Well, I have to say I would welcome that if it meant being pregnant!  In the meanwhile trying to do what I can to lower it – except tonight.   The rainy weather is causing a pressure system which is probably causing my migraine.

Hmm that makes me think, I will have to start curtailing the types of painkillers I use, to really be ready to for the IVF.   Not looking forward to dealing with that.  It means constipation – bad!!  Was that more information than you needed?  too bad! hehe!   So its actually is harder to manage the migraines when having to get ready to go through the IVF.  When I fell pregnant on my 2nd IVF ( miscarried at 6 wks 5ds)  last year, I was migraine-free for the duration.  What a great side-effect.   See, there are so many reasons why I should be pregnant!   For those of you who don’t have any idea of what cluster headache / occular migraine is,  I can have between 1 to 5 (sometimes more) migraines in a week.  It is one of the worst kind.  (yes there are lots of different types of migraine) and this type is generally diagnosed more in men.    Wow wouldn’t that be amazing – to be pain free for 9 months AND to have a baby at the end of it!    For some people migraines can get worse through pregnancy, but it has the opposite effect for others.   I found I was one of the latter.

I went to my Resolve support group last night for the first time in ages.  It was so nice to connect with Michelle and Sue, who were the only others that came, which was perfect because they were ones I wanted to reconnect with.  So we were able to have a good chat.  I hadn’t been for about 4 or 5 months, and didn’t realise how much I had missed it.   It really is a place where you can totally be comfortable talking about your experiences knowing there is understanding, empathy and no judgement.   Generally speaking, when someone hasn’t walked in our shoes, it is very difficult for themno to understand what we are going through, and generally anything they might say, can be irritating or inappropriate….. so support groups are a blessing.   If you haven’t been to one, or joined one, and have infertility challenges, do yourselves a big favour – join one!  Especially if you are one of those who is not willing to share your experience with anyone you know.  It gives you the outlet to talk to others with confidentiality and stops you from feeling isolated, which can easily happen with this experience.

Well enough rambling from me…

Next week, I will be setting up appointments with a couple of new IVF doctors… thinking of the clinic in Shorthills, NJ, and Weills-Cornell in NY.  My old doctor says he has done all he can….  a fresh perspective is called for! I am not ready to give up yet.  Besides we only found out I had a couple of gene mutations after my 2nd IVF and miscarriage!  So not giving up yet!

love to all on this journey,

Coach Louise

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The Rollercoaster Ride! and the Courage…



I have been reading some of the blogs on WordPress, of women who are going through some experience of infertility – IVF treatments, IUI, super-ovulation, donor egg, and surrogacy and adoption.  Wow!  You all blow my mind.  You have such courage for some of the things you are doing and taking on.  One woman is carrying a baby for a couple, such a selfless act!  She has her own emotions and rollercoaster to ride.   Another couple are expecting twins through a surrogate.   One woman was asked if she was going to give both her babies to the same parents…!     What struck me is that we are such a unique band of women – really isolated from the world of parents who have had children through traditional means, and just have no clue of what it means to go through this journey.   Some of the comments I have read of what people say – even well-meaning people, really just emphasises how much they really don’t get what this experience is like.   I really encourage you if you are one of this courageous group, to make sure you have a buddy who know what you are enduring, who knows what to say and when.   Make sure its someone you trust, someone who can support you through this minefield, but most of all – don’t do it alone.  I have met some women who isolate themselves through this experience, and I see how lonely and shut off they are.  Join a support group.  Don’t let it get to the stage of emergency, when you really need help and emotional support, prepare for this at the beginning of the journey.  RESOLVE.org has lots of support groups around the countryside, or get a coach if you want anonymous support, but don’t do it alone.    My heart goes out to all of you on this journey – myself included.    Keep up the good work, and keep the stories coming.   The gift out of this painful experience for me, has created the passion I feel for women like you, and how I now can add value through the work I have chosen to do.    You amaze and inspire me.

Warm wishes,Coach Louise Crooks

PS  If any of you would like to share your story on my Radio Show, to reach out to  other women in similar situations to yours, please get in touch, through the Contact page in the right hand column.

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