Tag Archive | endometriosis

Robotic Treatment for Endometriosis Covered by Insurance

Veins of Life, by Tim Geers

According to RESOLVE, “an estimated three to five million American women of reproductive age” experience endometriosis. It is well known that endometriosis impacts fertility, but how it actually interferes with conception is still under much investigation. Treatment for endometriosis to prepare women for conception involves surgery and has been around for many years now. However, there is improved technology now available that promises to make the surgery more accurate and thorough, and patients are finding a significant reduction in recovery time and time to conception.

Dr. Samuel Brown of Jacksonville, FL is touted as the originator of this procedure. ActionNewsJax.com covered the story and includes a video. If you know you have endometriosis, I thought it would be worthwhile to share the link with you. If you think you might have endometriosis but you’re not sure, RESOLVE has a useful Questions to Ask Series Article that will help you understand and open a discussion about it with your doctor.

Because it is a common barrier to conception and because some of the symptoms overlap with other menstrual complaints, doctors will often want to rule it out right away before pursuing fertility treatments and assisted reproductive technology. When I initially brought concerns of infertility to my primary care doctor, endometriosis was one of the first things she wanted to look for. At that stage of my fertility journey, I was still in denial that there could be something physical standing between me and conception. I wasn’t willing to accept that endometriosis could be a possibility. In the end, it was shown that I did not have endometriosis; however, I could have eliminated the doubt of it and moved down a more confident and clear path of progress if I had simply checked it out at the first suggestion. No harm in gathering data when you are completely in the dark about why you are trying so hard but not conceiving — especially if the data gathering is covered by insurance.



Coach Louise and Coach Julie

Dear blog reader,

Coach Louise began this blog with the intention that it be a place to share stories, ask questions, get support in a safe place of understanding and compassion, as well as a source for information on the topic of infertility, miscarriage, treatments etc. I am so excited to be taking over the administration of the blog and continuing on the mission of supporting you on your unique fertility journey. If you’d like to know more about me and what I offer, please click About Julie or visit Whole Vision Coaching. I’m so glad you’re here. Most importantly, I really want you to understand that you are not alone and this part of your adventure does not define who you are.

Having experienced the frustrations of unexplained infertility personally, I recognize that the experience can be isolating when the people around you don’t necessarily understand what you are going through. It is also often the first crisis couples come up against where there is really no control over the outcome. I want to connect with you and give you as much support as possible to lead a life full of joy and balance no matter the outcome of your pursuit of parenthood. I can also help to guide you and propose different alternatives that you might not have considered yet from a purely objective point of view.

Ultimately, I can offer you a space like a comfy sofa that you can fall into to feel comforted and reassured and so much more while on this unexpectedly challenging journey.

With love,
Coach Julie

Endometriosis: An Infertility Factor? and an update.

Hi Everyone,

Spring is round the corner!..

Spring is round the corner!..

Conceive wrote an interesting article today, which I found interesting because its been something I have been wondering about for myself.  I have had severe period pain ever since I started in my early teens, and now I am 40 and I am still having great discomfort at that time of the month!  I am questioning in my own mind now, why my RE hasn’t recommended that I have a laparoscopy to check out what’s been going on inside.

Conceive wrote:

Endometriosis—which occurs when tissue that’s supposed to be lining the uterus winds up outside it—can be mild or severe, with symptoms or without. Some women with the disease will have no trouble getting pregnant. But others will need proper treatment to conceive.

To read Conceive’s article click on this link:


An update with where we are right now…

Well, nowhere to be exact!  We are in discussions (DH & I) as to whether to do a final IVF treatment or not.  He is steering towards the No and I am steering towards the Yes.  He will do it, but I want him fully invested in the process.  Why should should us women be the only ones to do any preparation… it takes an Egg AND…a sperm!!

Can you tell I have some emotion around this! Well yes, I am working on it, and know for sure that it has to be something we both want to do – together!


Coach Louise

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The Fertile Foundation Powercircle is starting soon….

Join me!

Join me!

Hi to all my dear friends,

If you are thinking how nice it would be to talk to people going through the same or similar things to you, and get some real support, then this is the place for you.

We will meet once a week on the phone, teleconference style, to talk as a group (limited to 6 people).   I am so looking forward to facilitating this type of meeting where we can be heard, speak authentically, and take small steps to creating our amazing future, with or without the end result we desire so much.  We will be there every step of the way.  We have a big one coming soon – the holidays… how do we handle family, and friends, and  gatherings with children/babies in tow?!  This is just one of many things we will get to discuss in our special group.  Lets take the opportunity to empower ourselves!

If you are interested and want to know more about this, please email me on louise@keystoclarity.com or respond to this post.    The group starts on the Monday the 3rd of November 2008 at 12noon Eastern Standard Time.  (GMT -5hrs)

lovingly yours,

Coach Louise

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PS  I know there are some wonderful women I have been blogging with on this special journey (you know who you are)  and I would be so happy for you to join me by participating in this unique experience!  Consider yourself invited!

Grief. How do we get through it during the infertility process?

The sun sets on today, opening up new possibilities tomorrow...

The sun sets on today, opening up new possibilities tomorrow…

Hi all,

I had a moment of clarity this morning, a wonderful reminder that it is okay to feel strong emotions, so we can let them go, to bring new and wondrous things into our lives.   It is an opportunity to be able to move out of the grief and beyond, when we allow ourselves to express and experience the grief to begin with.  The society we have been brought up in doesn’t condone showing emotion, particularly for men.  Well its about time that all changed!  We would live much healthier and happier lives if we were able to express our emotions without having to worry about others expectations, and in turn our own.    You can make a change right now, to change your own expectations of yourself and others.

My grandmother’s funeral was today.  It was in Northern Ireland and for a number of reasons I couldn’t be there.   So today has been a bit of weird day for me, but mainly sad.   My DH and I went for a walk in the woods, which was great – it gave me the chance to feel a sense of peace and connectedness, but it also allowed me to  acknowledge how sad I was feeling.    I realised that I was doing what so many of us do, which is fighting the feeling of sadness – that is just too painful to remain in that space, wanting to ‘snap out of it’ and feel ‘normal’ again.  Well, ironically as I write this, I recognise that these feelings are ‘normal’…. What is ‘normal’ afterall ?- everyone has a different perception or definition.    I transgress…

Anyway, I realised I was being impatient and didn’t want to experience feeling such sadness.  It occurred to me, especially because of the work I have done, personally going through the untimely loss of my mother and a miscarriage/ infertility too, and through The Journey experience, that I was forgetting something.   We have to embrace these strong emotions of loss, to be able to move past and beyond them, and to heal.   (That doesn’t mean you forget the person you lost, it just means you are able to let go of the pain, and remember them in genuine and positive way through the wonderful memories you have created together.  Their death doesn’t define them.)   This might not apply to miscarriage or grieving the vision of what our life might have been like – but it is grief all the same.  Some of us hang onto our grief wearing it like a banner for years and years, but how is that serving us and honouring life at large?   Its a great question to ask yourself.

Through The Journey, which is about healing at a cellular level from emotional and physical wounds,  it became very clear to me that we have to confront our feelings and emotions, to get a sense of freedom and of letting go.  To me, being able to let go, allows us to bring new possibilities into our lives…  to be able to keep going and striving, and living!   I am not saying put a time limit on your grieving, but allow yourself the opportunity to grieve, when it arises – this will help you move through the process of grieving more quickly.

So today, I sit in quiet contemplation embracing my grief not just for this grandmother but also for others I have lost and for myself.    I cancelled all my appointments because I owe it to myself,  I let the tears come when they come,and I am nurturing my soul.

Bless all those of you who are grieving.   Know that we are all connected. www.thejourney.com



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LBF Radio: Interview on Fertility Issues with Meg Richichi

Join me!

Join me!

Dear friends

Come and join me and Manhattan – based Holistic Practitioner Meg Richichi as we discuss her views on the building blocks of the fertility process through her integrative methods.  She includes Nutrition, Acupuncture, Intuition and other modalities which has an all encompassing focus on laying the foundation for general wellbeing and dealing with challenges on infertility . Most importantly this has a huge impact on the fertility process which is likely to bring about a much higher success rate!  This applies to anyone struggling to fall pregnant naturally or intending to take the route of medical intervention through IUI, Super Ovulation or IVF  (ART).  She will address a wonderful subject of the Divine Feminine, which imight be a different perspective to many of you, in an approach to fertility issues and wellbeing.

Call in with your questions or email them to  louise@keystoclarity.com beforehand.  Register on http://www.blogtalkradio.com so you can participate in the chat room to comment or ask questions during the show. (you’ll also get reminders of upcoming shows!)   Don’t forget to rate the show so we know you liked it!!

Showtime is 4pm EST.  Don’t forget if you miss it, you can download it later as a podcast.  But if you want to get your questions in – listen LIVE!

Get all the juicy details by clicking on the following link  www.blogtalkradio.com/KeystoClarity-Coach

Excitedly yours,
Coach Louise Crooks

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A New Infertility Resource I just found! www.conceivingconcepts.com

Hi All,

just love these old strollers!

just love these old strollers!

I saw a quote earlier from one of our Anon bloggers, who had used this website as a resource.  Thank you very much!   Anyway, it is a wealth of information for those of you interested in learning more about various aspects of infertility.  So I encourage you to check it out.    I will post the website address on my Resources page for future reference.    Happy surfing…


Excitedly yours,

Coach Louise

The status of this blog

Thinking about getting a Coach? mmmm…

Hi Everyone!

Tea and a Chat!

Tea and a Chat!

It occurred to me that some of you are thinking how nice it would be to have a coach to partner with you on your fertility journey.  Being there for you through the rollercoaster of emotions, hormones, and results!   You are truly giving a gift to yourself and the process by taking that step.   Who knows, it could even affect your results!  Why? because you’ll feel calmer (and possibly retain your sanity), more prepared, more informed, and supported!   If you are even thinking about it, just a tinsey insey bit, then I challenge you to get in touch to see if it is indeed the right step to take in YOUR journey.   I am available on Skype, and time zone is not a problem (we’ll make a plan) !   Our initial chat is a free consultation!  You have nothing to lose, and possibly a lot to gain.   It is my passion to partner with women like you, who so often feel- overwhelmed by options, don’t know their options, a little lost or confused or isolated or stressed -going through this process.  I have been there!  What I really want for you is to have the family you have always dreamed of.   Call or email me.  Go on, I dare you. (see my contact page)  We’ll sit down for a virtual cup of tea and a chat.

Cheekily but lovingly yours,

Coach Louise Crooks

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PS  If you mention this blog post,  I will gift you 50% off the 1st 2 sessions if you decide you would like to give it try!